Sensenich Wood Propeller Serial Numbers
It isn't 'earlier 1900's. The first 72' Sensenich propeller wasn'testosterone levels made until about 1940 and they are still becoming produced. The age group can end up being established from the serial quantity.
Value depends upon age group, condition and airworthiness. As an antique collectible item to hang on a wall structure, original situation is usually everything.
Vintage wood airplane propeller. This was built by Sensenich in 1947 ( according to the serial number). It was built for a Piper PA12 or Piper J5C powered by a Lycoming 0235 engine.The propeller is marked SENSENICH 76RM44, serial # 1306. If you have the serial number, you can look up the approximate date of manufacture for Sensenich wooden propellers and carbon composite. Find used Sensenich Propeller for sale. Part of a Sensenich propeller, wood propeller stamped sensenich bros. Decals, serial, numbers.
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Refinishing them ruins the worth. Brand fresh ones are usually worthy of about $1500. Used but airworthy props are worth anywhere from $500 to $1000. An un-airworthy wall-hanger will be worth anywhere from $50 to $500 for a actually great one.
Sensenich Wood Propeller Serial Numbers Ad2041
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Sensenich Wood Propeller For Sale
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