Last month, we informed you about a beta repair that introduced Steamworks to Volition'beds Crimson Faction: Guerrilla.

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition Mods 1

It's a damn crime that no game ripped off Red Faction: Guerrilla's Geo-mod destruction feature. You take a hammer, and you use it to smash out a panel of a wall and break through a pillar. Apr 08, 2013  Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition. How to Mod Red Faction: Guerrilla? 2013 iv been trying to mod the game for some time now but no mods work except like 2, has anyone gotten anymods to work recently? Like the recontsructor mod? Or somehting? Id love some input on how and why its not working, im assuming most mods arent working becuas the.